Jason Mesut

About Jason Mesut

Jason has spent over 17 years working within UX at some of the largest and some of the most respected agencies within the UK. Over these years, he has struggled to know what to call himself. Management consultant, digital strategist, service designer, product manager, interaction designer or user experience consultant. Just some of the labels he has used. Through his work he doesn't think that the labels matter that much. It's more about the specific skills you offer. Currently, Jason runs Resonant Design and Innovation, a consultancy that gives his clients more of his time. He works with partners to help them with their challenges. Building teams. Creating solutions that push the envelope but are actually delivered. Always focusing on achieving value to businesses, employees, and the users or customers they serve. Jason also runs highly in-demand monthly local IxDA London events with his co-leader, Boon Chew.

Read our interview with Jason.

On the web @jasonmesut
Thu 24 May, 2018, 14:00

Shaping you: now and next

Despite all the labels we use to describe ourselves, we are all so fundamentally different. Different skills, different experiences and different interests. How do you best represent yourself to others so that you are applied to the right challenges for your skillset? How do you recruit people in your team to fit the needs of your projects? How do you help define how you and others can develop their skills?

In this workshop, Jason will help answer these questions, by sharing the latest of his work over the past decade developing frameworks for user experience designers to map their skills and define their future professional development. Jason will guide attendees through a process to reflect on who they are and the designers they aspire to be. The session is highly interactive to ensure learning is gained from all attendees.

As a result of this workshop, designers will be able to map where they are against others, and better assess their peers, recruit new talent and develop their teams to be the best versions of themselves.