Venue address

While Trin­i­ty Laban is excel­lent, and bril­liant it has two sites that are nowhere near each oth­er — please make a note of the address below, as Google maps is might acci­den­tal­ly send you to the Naval Col­lege site (we know, it’s annoy­ing) — If you fol­low the address below you’ll find us!

Laban Build­ing, Creek­side, Lon­don, SE8 3DZ 


There are dif­fer­ent tick­et options for UX Lon­don. You can either buy a three day pass (for use by one per­son only) or sin­gle day pass­es. Once our three day pass­es are sold out, and if you’d like attend the whole con­fer­ence you can pur­chase sin­gle day pass­es for each day.

Work­shop sign up

Each after­noon of UX Lon­don you’ll be tak­ing part in one of our work­shops. There’s no need to sign up for these in advance — they are on a first come first served basis. Be sure to arrive in plen­ty of time to your cho­sen work­shop so you can snag a seat in the one you want. In the run up to the con­fer­ence we’ll be send­ing out a sur­vey so we can gauge the pop­u­lar work­shops and allo­cate the rooms accord­ing­ly, but remem­ber, this is not a sign up, you’ll need to arrive in plen­ty of time on the day.

Invoice pay­ments

We like to offer atten­dees the chance to pay by invoice but kind­ly ask that you fol­low the cri­te­ria below — if you’re not pay­ing the invoice please be sure to pass this infor­ma­tion to the per­son who will;

  1. Invoic­es are due 14 days after book­ing — please pay with­in this timeframe
  2. When pay­ing the invoice please ensure to add your book­ing num­ber as a reference 
  3. If you’re mak­ing an inter­na­tion­al pay­ment you must ensure you pay for all fees relat­ing to this invoice. If these aren’t paid we will be issu­ing a fur­ther invoice to cov­er these costs

Please con­tact Tes­sa Wat­son, tessa@​clearleft.​com if you have any queries

Is VAT charge­able on my ticket?

We often get asked this ques­tion because our love­ly atten­dees come from far and wide. Below is the (slighty bor­ing but very impor­tant) explanation.

Yes, VAT is applic­a­ble on all tick­ets — this is because the place of sup­ply is where the event” is actu­al­ly tak­ing place and means VAT must be charged at the applic­a­ble rate where the event occurs.

But what about tax­able cus­tomers who are used to receiv­ing ser­vices on the reverse charge basis?

Because the amend­ing direc­tive has deemed the place of sup­ply to be the place where the event is phys­i­cal­ly being car­ried out, the reverse charge basis does not apply and both tax­able cus­tomers as well as con­sumers will be charged VAT at the rate applic­a­ble in the coun­try in which the event takes place.

How do EU tax­able cus­tomers recov­er their VAT?

Tax­able enti­ties with­in the EU should claim any VAT refund enti­tle­ment through the por­tal of their home state tax col­lec­tion agency, for exam­ple Irish Tax­able enti­ties should recov­er French VAT incurred through the por­tal of the Rev­enue Com­mis­sion­ers in the Repub­lic of Ire­land- please note how­ev­er that there is often a de min­imis claim lev­el before refunds can be claimed.

And non EU entities?

The abil­i­ty to recov­er VAT incurred by a non EU enti­ty will depend entire­ly upon any reci­procity agree­ment that may be in force between the coun­try in which the VAT was incurred and the Coun­try where the non EU client is based. Addi­tion­al advices will need to be tak­en if this sce­nario applies.

Let­ters of invitation

We do not sup­ply invi­ta­tion let­ters for atten­dees. We sug­gest that you ensure you have the cor­rect visas for trav­el before pur­chas­ing a ticket.