About Adrian Zumbrunnen
Adrian Zumbrunnen is an independent UX Designer, writer, and coffee enthusiast currently residing in Zurich. At present, he is design tinkering at Google where he’s worked on products like Google Shopping and more recently, Google Maps. Prior to being an independent designer, he was at Information Architects where he worked for various clients in the industry.
Designing For Attention
Good design and ideas don’t happen naturally. They are shaped by invisible forces that people from the outside can’t observe. In this talk, Adrian will speak about strategies and how to make ideas happen in a world of distractions.
Designing conversations
Conversational interfaces have the potential to radically reshape the way people interact with technology. Huge improvements in A.I., particularly in the field of speech recognition and natural language processing, have enabled conversation to become a viable new method for businesses to interact with their customers.
This is not a sci-fi movie, conversational interfaces are already a reality today. We're at the forefront of a change in computing. This is the first time in economic history where businesses can theoretically have thousands of simultaneous one on one conversations with their customers. The question is not whether it will happen, but when.
The goal of this workshop is to get a better understanding why conversation is such a powerful model of interaction, how we can create great conversations, and how to build your own conversational experience.
This workshop includes:
- Why conversational interfaces are powerful
- Technical and social challenges of conversational interfaces
- The 101 of conversational design
- Group exercise: designing a bot in a team
- Prototyping conversations
- Review & Questions
- Discussions, share ideas where people think conversational interfaces can particularly excel